Soular Flare Skill/Ability chart maker thingy

Oi future me, look I made a thing that works like the unordianary bios at the end of eps but this time for soular flare characters, and it works as follows:
  • Usage
    • This specific page is not the completely blank one, it's designed specifically for Soular Flare, which means it has built in default values.
    • In order to remove or change these values check out the top of the linked javascript file and look for the variables 'skillNumDefault' and 'skillNameDefault' and change/blank out both. Do not remove them, things will break.
    • Note that when changing the number of elements new skill elements will load in whatever default values are in the 'skillNameDefault' variable, not whatever you used to have there, so be careful when removing elements.
    • Otherwise it should be pretty self explanitory, note that the sliders all go from 0-10.
    • Something else to note! The image has NO white in it, infact the parts that look gray are just transparent black lines, and the only color is the polygon that goes in the middle, so the image can be overlain over whatever without having to worry about getting rid of the white.
  • Technical Stuff
    • The image is created all in an inline svg which is how it's capable of being exported.
    • All changed to settings trigger the UpdateSkills() function except for changing color, which triggers UpdateColor() (which calls UpdateSkills() anyway)
    • All text, lines correlating to text and the polygon that forms the stats themselves are all built in the UpdateSkills() function, see comments over there for more info, but uh, good luck decoding the math I didn't comment that in detail, but if it helps any here's a link to the desmos page I was using for the math to figure out the lines and labels, gl future me or whoever is reading this. (also I'm so sorry if the link doesnt work, but in that case you're on your own kid)
    • As a note, should probably abstract the circles out so that I can change the number of circles and where the division lines (see the 5th circle) are, but that's a lot of work. Sorry future me.
    • Also thought about adding a danger lecel in the lower left or right of the SVG, but uh, that would mean giving weighted values to each skill and that would change for every configuration so, no.
    • UGH fine I've caved and added a soulfused vs normal person toggle, I'm not happy about it but WHATEVER, essentially it changes the settings so that there are two graphs one for normal stats and one for soulfused stats. Gl to you if you're adapting this to be fully adaptable, It's going to be a pain
    • Follow up from previous point, I hate everything. Additionally I got the above thing working with a couple caveats, color applies to both graphs, maybe later they can get different color wheels but not today satan. Also there's no way to set the default mode to soulfused instead of human, have fun with that if you decide to shove it in here future me.
    • Should really make a class for the circle and abstract the js so that as many stat rings can be made as a person wants but also, that's a problem for you future me.

Name: N/A Basic Stats Overall Stat Level: 0 Soulfused Stats Overall Stat Level: 0

Skill values [0-10]:

Skill values [0-10]: