Hero/Villain Ability Generator

This is a website to generate an ability (otherwise known as a superpower) for a character within the Hero/Villain universe. Link to its webtoon coming soon, for the latest updates check out my socials.

Warning! Not all nouns may be PG-13, the noun list used here is taken from this website which goes into more detail about how it's made, but basically it's made from the most common nouns collected from MANY indiscriminate sources, and as such age rating isn't taken into account. That said, most of them ARE PG-13, so please use your own discression on using this site.

Every ability uses the following format of [Transitive Verb] [Noun] and this generator will make as many as you tell it to.

Don't take anything it generates too seriously, a lot of them dont make sense. You can always twist it however you want/can imagine.

A Few Notes on the Nouns: Nouns shouldn't be taken too seriously either, as, say, 'Popcorn' (If you know you know) could mean only popped popcorn, it could mean any form of popcorn, it could mean anything even remotely related to popcorn, it could mean any corn related item, or it could even mean food as a whole, whatever category you can think of that the noun could fall under will work. (Yes, even rules like, things that start with the letter P). That said, if you picked a larger category, you can also change your noun to something else in said category, so using the 'Popcorn' example, you could pick food as a whole, and change your noun to 'Shrimp' if you wanted as it's still food.

All in all this tool is mostly just to spark creativity, if it inspires you, keep it! If it doesn't, there are thousands more to try ^^


UPDATE 17/03/2024: Added the feature to remove abilities from the screen by right clicking on them, note that the pages does not ask if you want to remove the ability and simply removes it so be careful not to right click when you don't want to. (If your webpage isnt showing the new feature aka, you're getting a menu instead of the ability dissapearing, try doing a hard refresh)

Based on what Transitive Verb you use and the way in which you imgine the ability working, it will fall into 1 of 9 major Ability Types. Each is very broad to allow any ability to fit in, but all follow 1 major rule:

Living Beings cannot be directly affected or created. Here 'Living Beings' are defined as anything that has a brain or human like intellect. Things like plants can be freely created, but highly intelligent golems or animals cannot. The only exception is that an ability CAN alter it's user. So for example, if you can make fire, you cannot light someone else on fire, but you can light a building on fire and it can spread to the person, and you can also light yourself on fire. Whether or not you're fire resistant is up to your ability's specifics. You also are allowed to make little fires that move in a circular fashion, but cannot make a personal assistant out of your fire.

Note that if you want there to be physical modifications, such as wings, you'll likely want the manipulate or create type. Also note that these are abriged versions of the abilities, in order to keep things simpler, full descriptions will likely be posted in the future elsewhere, probably on a Patreon public post.

For more details on each ability type, click their sections below.

Create type abilities typically refer to the act of creating something from 'nothing', making something from something else would fall under the Manipulate type.

Creation is limited by a few things: There must be enough space to create what's being created and the person must have enough energy in their body to create the item. The energy cost rougly aligns with e=mc (not e=mc^2), and is taken from the electricity that moves through the person's brain and synapses. As one could guess, don't run out of electricity. It's bad for the user's health.

Additionally, they do slowly regenerate electricity and they can also take electricity from Destroy types, read their description for why.

Destroy type abilities typically refer to the act of turning something into 'nothing'. Breaking things into smaller pieces would fall under the Manipulate type.

Destruction is limited by one major thing: When they destroy things, they're turned into energy/electricity that goes into the user's body, so they're limited by how much electricity the human body can take.

Additionally, they do slowly discharge electricity until they're back to normal, but they can also give electricity to Creation types, read their description for why.

Inspect type abilities typically refer to the act of being able to gather information on an object without altering it.

Inspection doesnt actually do anything to the object, it just gets information on it. They way in which they get information and how much information they can get varies WILDLY. Like it can be completely useless to overwhelming and everything in between.

Take/Place type abilities typically refer to the act of removing an item into an 'inventory' of sorts then being able to place it back.

Take/Place abilities always have 3 components to them: Taking something, putting it in some kind of 'inventory', and placing something.

In order to take something their 'inventory' must have space, how the inventory works per person varies wilddly from a bag of holding to minecraft, but in the end there must be space to take something.

In order to place something, there must be space to place it in the world and any requirements to remove it from the 'inventory' must be met. Note that not all inventories have requirements to remove things from them.

Switch type abilities typically refer to the act of swapping the location of two objects.

Unlike the Take/Place type, there is no inventory here, one or more things simply swap positions in space. Irregarless of if there's room or not for them.

Manipulate type abilities typically refer to the act of changing something in a way such as but not limited to: form, composition or position.

Manipulation abilities cover the majority of what are typically considered superpowers as any change of any object including one's own body, falls into this type if it's not already limited by one of the other types.

Limit type abilities typically refer to the act of limiting a behavior or property of an object.

Limit types are different from Manipulate types in that they actually limit something, instead of what Manipulate Types do which is APPEAR to limit something but in reality are compressing something

For example, a limiter would be able to take a large 100 lb rock and make it into a small 10 lb rock. A manipulate type would make a large 100 lb rock into a small, but still 100 lb rock.

Note that limitation can mean ANY property not just size or phicsical ones.

Amplify type abilities typically refer to the act of limiting a behavior or property of an object.

Amplify types are different from Manipulate types in that they actually amplify something, instead of what Manipulate Types do which is APPEAR to amplify something but in reality are expanding something

For example, an amplifier would be able to take a small 10 lb rock and make it into a large 100 lb rock. A manipulate type would make a small 10 lb rock into a large, but still 10 lb rock.

Note that amplification can mean ANY property not just size or phicsical ones.

Inject type abilities typically refer to the act of placing or creating a substance within a Living Being's body.

Inject type abilities are the only type that bends the major ability rule above, they work by either Creating (see the Create type, but typically the amount created is so small that there is no worry about running out of electricity) or moving (see the Switch type) an existing item into a living being. They're limited by the fact that like both abilities they're built off of, they MUST have sspace in the body to do this, which means typically the lungs or stomach are targeted, and typically liquids are used.